Monday, November 5, 2012

Lab 4 - Jack Roney

       Arcmap is a powerful tool that lets you create effective maps that look both professional and stylish. The tutorial was extremely tedious, several times I opted out of working and contemplated dropping out of UCLA. However, after the first forty pages or so, you start to pick up on how the tutorial works and the frustartration eases a bit. By the last 10 pages, you can start to understand the power behind Arcmap, its potential and effectiveness.  Patience was key.
       The potentials seem endless, if you put your creative mind to it, you could do almost anything with this program. Mapping geographical spaces and potential urban planning is a skill that could be harnassed by really anyone who sat done and learned the program. Imagine Urban planning in which every person could submit their unique idea to a city planner?Additionally, integrating this tool with something like Google earth would be mind melting. Being able to cross the map I created with satellite imagery as a layer would make it even more powerful.
        The pitfalls are mostly that its extremely tedious. There may be some small glitches running around in the program. Its possible that I haven't mastered the program and I just wasn't sure why some things were acting in a certain way. But that's a personal issue. As far as actual pitfalls of the program, ArcMap could support a better graphical appearance. If it could somehow show more depth in these maps besides just the splitting of colors that would be neat. For example, Google earth! Also, where did the data come from? The actual original mapping of the airport? Was that difficult to create?
      All in all, I enjoyed this lab. Yeah, it took three quarters of a century, but at the end of the day, you learn to use a pretty useful tool. Thanks ArcMap!

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