Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jack Roney -- LAB 3

       Here it is Ladies and Gentlemaps! Jack Roney's Google Map. Ahh Neogeography! Much like a writers pen, a neogeographer's map can push and redline the viewers of his work to whatever the crafter may whim! For example, I created a map which has a clear bias on economically competing areas, Kailua and Waikiki. At first look, this map appears to be a cheesy creation for tourists moseying around Oahu. In reality, Kailua's city council slipped me a roll of bills under the table. If this map were published and distributed wide scale, it would isolate an entire demographic of profiteers in the war for tourist's business in Hawaii. While Waikiki gets no publicity, the hopelessly boring atmosphere of Kailua is made to look utopian.
       Furthermore, exact pitfalls in the school of Neogeography come at the price of accuracy. When we use pre-existing toolkits to do a job, we may not get the exact results we are after. It feels like using a mismatched wrench for an undersized bolt. Yes, Google maps got the job done, but what it didn't allow me to express each and every detail I was looking for. It has given me new perspective on map creation as a whole. Maybe the best maps out there are done by individuals who dedicate themselves to stay away from Neogeography?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lab 2 - Jack Roney

1) Beverly Hill Quadrangle
2)Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood
3) The topograph was compiled in 1966, and the current map was published in 1995.
4) The Datum was created in 1927
5)The map scale is 1:24,000
6  a) 5 cm is about 1,200 meters
    b) 5 inches is around on the map 1.9 miles
    c) 2.64 inches.
    d) 12.5 cms
7) The contour interval is 20 feet.
8   a)    34.074524,-118.439217 And 34° 4' 28.3" -118° 26' 21.2"
     b)   34.007673, -118.499748 And 34° 0' 27.6222"  -118° 29' 59.0922"
     c)  34.007495,  -118.499936 And 34° 0' 26.9814" -118° 29' 59.7696"
9  a) About 550 feet, or 167 meters
    b) About 140, or 43 meters
    c) Around 600-700 feet, or 182 to 213 meters
10) The map is in UTM zone 11.
11)0*48'/14 MILS GN
12)1000000sq meters
13) Sorry for the formating issues, I cant quite get map graph to cooperate. The Y axis is the elevation in feet, while the numbers 1-12 on the bottom correspond tothe elevation measurments from east to west along  the UTM northing 371000,

14)14*/249 MILS MN
15) South West

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jack Roney -- Assignment 1. Three maps.


Donegal Map Rail
I found this map and the next one on Reddit, an online community that is dedicated to quirky interests, such as extreme sports, fishing or trees.  There is a small section within this online community there that enjoys maps, and some users go so far as to create their own maps. This map in particular was created back in April by the user keanehoody. This map is a theoretical map of the rail ways in Donegal County, Ireland. I really enjoy theoretical maps, especially when they are created by amateur cartographers. It lets the us interpret and view parts of the world in a non conventional vision, and familiarizes us with parts of the world we may not be well traveled in.

Realistic London Tube
I also found this map on Reddit, however it was not created by the community. This map was shared on Reddit but was conceived over at This shows the realistic distances and routes of the tube in London. We can see the drastic contrast between this map and the conceptual map from above. Although they are not of the same subject, you can clearly see the intricacies of reality, as opposed to the organized simplicity of the system presented in the previous map.
Topographical Map of Hawaii

 I found this map at under maps of Hawaii. It's a simple topographical map of the island of Hawaii. It shows the elevation of the island from sea level all the way to the top of Mauna Kea, at 12,000 feet! I love topographical maps because it represents three dimension on a two dimensional space. I am particularly interested in this one because I have been to this island and seem this mountain, and it is incredible that something so large can be organized as easily as this map is.